Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Earth Science

Natural Science:
Earth Science

Earth Science is the study of the Earth and its neighbors in space. [1] Scientists believe that the Blue Planet is around 4.6 billion years old. We all know that Earth is a life-bearing planet but is it the only life-bearing planet in the universe? Watch this video [2] and take a look at those potential life-bearing planets.


7 Amazing Facts About the Earth [3]

1. If Earth was the size of a basketball, all of its water would fit into a ping pong ball.

2. Scientists want to investigate the center of the Earth. The deepest hole ever drilled is the Kola Superdeep Borehole (The largest man-made hole). It was drilled in Russia and is 12 kilometres deep.

Source: Wikipedia

More at: BBC Dimensions

*Note: Beware of misleading pictures. When you search Kola Superdeep Borehole on google this picture will be shown:

Source: BLDG Blog

This is not Kola Superdeep Borehole. This is Mirny Diamond Minethe world's second largest man-made hole. [4]

3. There are approximately one thousand (1,000) thunderstorms happening on Earth at any one moment.

4. Earth isn't perfectly round.

5. Around 50 Earthquakes are detected each day. Nearly all of them are too small to do any damage.

6. The oldest living plant on Earth is the Jurupa Oak Tree which is 13,000 years old.

More at: Daily Mail

7. On top of Mount Everest, the Earth's highest mountain, water boils at a lower temperature that it does at sea level.


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